

Carlos Adrian Correa Florez, MINES ParisTech PhD, PERSEE center




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Meteosat Library

Software libraries in C for manipulating of Meteosat pixel coordinates into latitude - longitude and vice-versa


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These libraries, in C, are for computing the geometry of the satellite (elevation, azimuth) with respect to the pixel, and to convert latitude - longitude into satellite co-ordinates row - columns and vice-versa. These software codes are available under a Creative Commons license (CC-BY).  CC-by icon

Meteosat Second Generation

Meteosat First Generation


Meteosat Second Generation

The library "msg_geom_lib.c" is valid for the satellites Meteosat Second Generation (Meteosat-8 and followings).  It comprises the following items:

  • converting latitude - longitude to HR co-ordinates and reverse,
  • converting latitude - longitude to 10 km co-ordinates,
  • elevation angle of the satellite seen from the ground and azimuth,
  • time lag between beginning of acquisition and current line.

Meteosat First Generation

The library "meteosatlib.c" is valid for the satellites Meteosat-1 up to -7.  There are two Meteosat products treated in the library:

  • a high resolution image (noted HR) with 2500 lines and 2500 pixels per line oriented NW (lig 1, col 1) to SE (lig 2500, col 2500). The pixel size is 5 km at nadir. When such coordinates in lines and columns are used, they always refer to the image correctly oriented NW-SE. Note that the acquired image is actually inverse, taken from SE to NW, so that the first pixel acquired within a time frame is the south-easternmost pixel on the image (2500, 2500).
  • a B2 image (noted B2) with 416 lines and 416 pixels per line, subsampled from the high resolution as follows: starting from the first pixel acquired (2500, 2500) are taken each pixel every 6 lines and every 6 columns. These selected pixels are noted HRb2 in the high resolution product, and B2 in the B2 product. Thus, a pixel B2 represents a pack of 6x6 HR pixels whose south-easternmost one substitutes the other ones. Note that 6 cannot divide 2500, so that the B2 product ignores the last 4 lines and columns in the acquired direction. The first HRb2 pixel is positioned (10,10) on the high resolution image, while the last one is (2500, 2500) using a correctly oriented HR image.

The library "meteosatlib.c" comprises the following items:

  • converting latitude - longitude to HR co-ordinates and reverse,
  • converting latitude - longitude to B2 co-ordinates,
  • relationship between HR pixels, HRb2 pixels and B2 pixels in their respective frames,
  • elevation angle of the satellite seen from the ground and azimuth.

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Software Library for Meteosat satellites - Mines Paris - PSL


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